I am a list-maker. It's in my blood. My mother is a list-maker, too, and I guess she passed down her love of making lists to me. I make the grocery list every week. I make lists of gift ideas for family and friends. I make lists of sewing projects I would someday like to complete. I actually have a small spiral notebook that is nothing but lists. In fact, at this very moment, I have six lists that I am keeping:
1.) My perpetual to-do list at work
2.) A list of projects for James to complete (things like: sand and paint dresser for nursery, organize garage, and replace all closet doors in the house)
3.) A list of projects for me to complete (things like: sew crib skirt, complete nursery wall collage and make drapes for spare bedroom)
4.) A list of baby names
5.) Baby Shower invite list
6.) A list of pregnancy picture locations
You do realize I just made a list of lists. Somebody stop me!
I see the following lists in my future:
1.) A list of items to bring to the birthing center when I give birth
2.) A list of questions for prospective pediatricians
3.) A list of how long and how far apart my contractions are
I can't help myself!
In all seriousness, though, my love of list-making stems from my need to be organized, and most of all, prepared. Nothing irritates me more than being ill-prepared for something. Like, when you are baking something and you realize you are missing an ingredient and have to make a trip to the grocery store. Hence, the grocery list we make weekly. That list actually has a list of meals for the week and a list of items to purchase. It's a two-fer!! I pride myself on being prepared for almost anything. I research, plan, make a list and then consider other possibilities that could arise. And this all sounds great, right? What could be wrong with being prepared? Well, the thing is, when you're about to have your first baby, you can never be prepared for what awaits. I can do all the research and planning and list-making in the world, and none of it will make a damn bit of difference when James and I are home with the baby those first few weeks. Intuition and practice are probably going to take us further than any research and preparation will. This is a scary prospect for someone who likes to be prepared. So, I'm telling myself to trust my instincts and go with the flow. Do what works for us, and be confident in my ability to be a good mother. And I'm sure somewhere in there is a list feeding times and wet/poopy diapers. More lists! I feel better already.
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