Sunday, April 17, 2011

Twelve Weeks.

I will officially be twelve weeks pregnant tomorrow. In the weird world of pregnancy, I'm actually still in my first trimester through the end of the thirteenth week. I still don't really understand the whole week/month thing, and it takes some thought to figure out what month I am in, since I am counting weeks. What can I say, math was never my subject.

The last few weeks have been pretty good. Still have that morning nausea, but I wasn't overly tired, until this week. I did finally drop the bomb at work. That was fun! I walked into my managers office pretending that there was some advertising emergency or something, and then gave her the news. Haha. Everyone was pretty excited, so that's good. And it's more fun now that it's not a secret!

We've been taking our weekly pictures, although I am pretty behind on posting. It's funny, I feel like I looked more pregnant weeks 8-10 than I do now. Not that you will probably be able to tell, since I'm not naked (thank God) in the pictures. Gross. But there is definitely a bump there. I had pretty much been wearing more loose-fitting tops, since I hadn't told work yet. But now that the word is out, I hope to wear more normal stuff, even if I just look kind of fat. I don't plan on wearing tents exclusively throughout this pregnancy, I mean it. But I'm ready for that baby belly. Wonder how long it will take for me to retract that last statement?

Below are pictures from week 10, which were taken at a nearby park. The cowboy boots were James' idea, and I love them:

Week 11 was shot at Bull Creek. Since we haven't had any rain lately, the water was low and kind of gross. I came home immediately and washed my feet:

We took the 12 week photos in front of the famous Austin mural. I'll definitely have to come back when I am huge and take some additional pictures:

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